Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Brain Map

Photo from: http://graphikos197.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/brain_map.jpg

  The brain is one of the largest organs and the most complex organ in the human body, and perhaps the most remarkable. It is made up of more than 100 billion nerves that communicate in trillions of connections. Since the brain is very complex it has not been completely investigated.

  The map above is just an illustration of the brain when it is mapped. The objective of this map is just simply to show the connections and patterns among the billions of neurons. And if we notice, we can imagine this map as a “transit” map since it shows connections and patterns. The cells may serve as the “vehicles” and the nervous system as the “pathways” in the ordinary transit map. The problem I see in this map is that it is hardly to understand without background knowledge of an ordinary reader. If you can notice, there are some symbols on the map but there were no explanations about it.

  According to Alex Konrad, author of the website where I got this map, the scientists think that the key to curing many diseases may come only when they fully understand the human brain. Since they think that way, they have to spend the next years trying to map the mind, zooming in on single neurons to study each one's genetic information, shape, and electrical signals. Also according to the author, to enable to do those things, the scientists may use robotic tools. One of robotic tools that may help the scientists are the one called “auto patcher”. Auto patcher was developed by Edward Boyden and Georgia Tech's Craig Forest. By using this tool, scientists/researchers will be able to turn off individual cells and plot patterns with its neighbors. The robot can check neurons much faster than humans, who need extensive training to do the process manually. Diagnosing the breakdowns within a neuron will allow for targeted gene therapy.

Blogpost by: Aisha Macud


Konrad,A.(N.d.).Retrieved from http://i2.cdn.turner.com/money/galleries/2012/technology/1201/gallery.zany-futuristic-ideas.fortune/images/brain_map.jpg on January 27, 2014

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